I am fresher in cognos 8. I am having a doubt regarding cubes.
Where should we create a cube(in analysis studio? or where) and how to use it?
Thanks in advance.
Hi shobha,
Analysis Studio is like PowerPlay (Series 7). It is used for Cube Browsing and analysis purpose. For creating cubes, you need to use Transformer.
You can design your dimensions, levels etc in the transformer and create cubes with Transformer.
And what ever cubes you create can be opened (accessed) using Analysis Studio. Cube reporting also can be done using Analysis Studio.
Thanks SF.
Finally my doubt is cleared. I know sql server SSAS,SSRS. So, i thought same concept is followed in cognos. But i could not find the same in cognos.
What is the main diffrence between Query,Analysis and Report studio. As i am finding all three are used for creating reports ?
Query Studio is best used for simplistic reports for a Relational source; Analysis Studio is for simplistic analysis of Dimensional sources; and Report Studio is for creating complex reports using either source.
Hi Shobha,
I would like to add few points to SF's reply.
Query Studio - used by end business users to imagine/present idea/type of report to be demanded from report author.
Report Studio- Report Authors in turn create reports as requeted by Business user in report studio.