I have a list report in Report Studio 8.4 that includes a date data-item. The dates are format DD MMM YYYY and where DD = 15 I need the background colour of the cell to be highlighted as red.....however, I can't get it to work.
This is the first time I've done conditional styles so need some help, please. I select 'New Conditional Style', select the data item and then assumed I would select 'String' (because it's not a range I want to select). I then go to the 'New String Condition' icon and then select 'Enter String Criteria' and have selected various combination such as Operator:Contains and String:15 or Operator:Begins With and String:15 but these error.
Anyone know the correct way to do this, please?
I would use an advanced conditional style for this. Create a new expression something like this:
extract(day, [YourDate]) = 15
Set the conditional style for this case as desired and then leave the all other values case as it is.
I don't know if I got the syntax of the extract function exactly right or if it is the same for your DBMS, but if your date *really* is a date datatype then you should be able to use extract to isolate the day portion.
Casting to a string and then using substring is an option also, but messier.
I'm assuming you have a relational data source rather than a cube or DMR model, but if I'm wrong there then post back because my answer wouldn't apply to a non-relational source.