This morning ALL active report jobs failed with the message below:
• DPR-ERR-2072 Unable to load balance a request with absolute affinity, most likely due to a failure to connect to the remote dispatcher. See the remote dispatcher detailed logs for more information. Check the health status of the installed system by using the dispatcher diagnostics URIs. Handler trace back: [the_dispatcher] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.performance.PerformanceIndicationHandler [the_dispatcher] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.logic.ChainHandler [service_lookup] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.engine.ServiceLookupHandler [load_balancer] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.logic.ChainHandler [lb_forwarder] com.cognos.p2plb.clerver.LoadBalanceHandler
This has never happened to us before!
I attempted to re-run failed jobs, but was unsuccessful.
I was able to resolve by ending/restarting services on the Cognos Servers and then re-running failed report jobs.
Unfortunately, I am now into an area which I do not have a lot of experience/skills.
I basically take care of our entire Cognos environment, which has meant that I have become a "Jack of all trades and a Master of None".
I would greatly appreciate some insight into where to look next so that I can investigate cause and, hopefully, prevent from happening again.
Thanks in advance,
Hi there
You on 10.2.1?
If you are then there's a known defect fixed in FP4/5 which we are planning to work towards because as you have found this just suddenly appears.
A restart only lowers the number of errors
We been attempting to adjust the load balancing across our dispatchers but it's not quite fixing the issue.
For failed jobs we use SDK to re-run them and are currently working on an SDK to re-run once after failure.
We're using this URL - for diagnosing with stats