We installed Cognos 10.2.1 BI on a new windows server. The install directory was N:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64. We are now wanting to install Data Manager 10.2.1. During the install process it is listing the same directory as the BI install, N:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64,f for the DM install. Should it be changed or it can go on the same directory and not effect the BI install portion? Thank in advance for any insight!
Hi there
Under normal circumstances it's better to install clients into a separate directory.
It really also depends on your hardware.
If you've got a grunty box then separate the server components because I believe that this makes the installations easier to manage and tune as well as diagnose but that's my personal opinion and may not reflect IBM's or others.
Hope this helps
Quote from: gatorfe on 02 Dec 2014 05:29:41 PM
We installed Cognos 10.2.1 BI on a new windows server. The install directory was N:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64. We are now wanting to install Data Manager 10.2.1. During the install process it is listing the same directory as the BI install, N:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64,f for the DM install. Should it be changed or it can go on the same directory and not effect the BI install portion? Thank in advance for any insight!
You should install Data Manager in the same location as your Cognos 10 BI instance if you want to be able to utilise the integration between the two (ie publishing data movement tasks etc). They should share the same configuration.
Hi there
Yes thats true. That did occur to me but I didn't write it so thanks MFGF for the clarification. My bad.
Thanks for the information!