First of all, sorry for my ignorance about some names in Transformer and for my begginner-level english. I have this Transformer cube where I've made this dimension called 'Establecimientos', wich is selected in the picture:
(http://i1374.photobucket.com/albums/ag413/qvixote/Estab_zps03ac6908.png) (http://s1374.photobucket.com/user/qvixote/media/Estab_zps03ac6908.png.html)
As you can see, right above the lowest level (Establecimiento) there's 2 "same-level" levels: 'Pertenencia SNSS' and 'Servicio'. Here's a picture of the categories tree, where you can see the resulting categories of the dimension.
(http://i1374.photobucket.com/albums/ag413/qvixote/Categoriestree_zps0b2c8608.png) (http://s1374.photobucket.com/user/qvixote/media/Categoriestree_zps0b2c8608.png.html)
Now in a report, I need to insert a list of "Establecimientos" using a value prompt and I want to be able to filter the list by "Servicio" and "Pertenencia SNSS" too, but I can't, because when I create the value prompt I need to choose between the 'Establecimiento' level under 'Pertenencia SNSS' or 'Establecimiento' level under 'Servicio', and I'm able to filter only by the one present in the hierarchy.
(http://i1374.photobucket.com/albums/ag413/qvixote/Origen_zps805b5463.png) (http://s1374.photobucket.com/user/qvixote/media/Origen_zps805b5463.png.html)
Is there any way to filter by the two 'Servicio' and 'Pertenencia SNS'?
Quote from: qvixote on 01 Dec 2014 10:11:15 AM
First of all, sorry for my ignorance about some names in Transformer and for my begginner-level english. I have this Transformer cube where I've made this dimension called 'Establecimientos', wich is selected in the picture:
As you can see, right above the lowest level (Establecimiento) there's 2 "same-level" levels: 'Pertenencia SNSS' and 'Servicio'. Here's a picture of the categories tree, where you can see the resulting categories of the dimension.
Now in a report, I need to insert a list of "Establecimientos" using a value prompt and I want to be able to filter the list by "Servicio" and "Pertenencia SNSS" too, but I can't, because when I create the value prompt I need to choose between the 'Establecimiento' level under 'Pertenencia SNSS' or 'Establecimiento' level under 'Servicio', and I'm able to filter only by the one present in the hierarchy.
Is there any way to filter by the two 'Servicio' and 'Pertenencia SNS'?
Sadly your images are not displaying in the post. Do you have another mechanism for posting them up - perhaps via imgbb.com?
Modified! Sorry.
Quote from: qvixote on 01 Dec 2014 11:29:19 AM
Modified! Sorry.
Ok - thanks! I can see the images now :)
Can you explain what you mean by "filter by the two"? If you have a list of Establecimientos in your value prompt, wouldn't you just be selecting the ones required to display? The two hierarchies simply group them under different parents, but it's still the same list of Establecimientos. Can you describe how you want the report to work?
I knew there was something missing in my explanation. In the report there will be 3 value prompts lists. The 'Establecimientos' list, another with 'Pertenencia SNS' and another with 'Servicio' list. Then, selecting values in any of the second and third list described will filter the items shown in the 'Establecimientos' list.
Quote from: qvixote on 01 Dec 2014 11:49:38 AM
I knew there was something missing in my explanation. In the report there will be 3 value prompts lists. The 'Establecimientos' list, another with 'Pertenencia SNS' and another with 'Servicio' list. Then, selecting values in any of the second and third list described will filter the items shown in the 'Establecimientos' list.
Sadly, I don't see an easy way to do this. The different hierarchies in your dimension present the members with different MUNs based on the name of the hierarchy they exist within. As far as the cube is concerned, there are two different sets of Establecimiento members - one in each hierarchy. Although they have the same captions, they have different Member Unique Names. You can see this if you find the "same" member in each hierarchy in your package tree and right-click on the member and select "Properties". Look at the Member Unique Name for each, and you will see it is defined differently.
Ok :(
Previously in other report I faced this same need and finally I ended doing a JavaScript filter of the html select element, but always thought there's a way to do it directly with Transformer or Report Studio.
Thanks a lot anyway! :)