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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS Connection => Topic started by: snadgir30 on 25 Jul 2007 01:27:38 AM

Title: More than one dispatcher
Post by: snadgir30 on 25 Jul 2007 01:27:38 AM
Hi CognosGuru's

Can a  single contest store has 2 dispatcher services registered in it? is it possible?

I had single content store used by 2 different servers.

But i was able to create datasource connections using 1 of them only so i uninstalled other-2nd- server .
Now exisitng server with dipatcher fails to connect to DB although i am able to connect to DB using SQL plus.

What would be the problem?

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: More than one dispatcher
Post by: COGNOiSe administrator on 09 Aug 2007 09:23:26 PM
Yes, one CM can have many dispatchers connected. Each requires a DB client to be installed and configured.