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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: Raj on 18 Nov 2014 11:42:43 AM

Title: AAA-AUT-0013 error
Post by: Raj on 18 Nov 2014 11:42:43 AM

The following error occurs when the open the cognos page
  The user is already authenticated in all available namespaces

please let me know do you have any idea to solve this error

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: AAA-AUT-0013 error
Post by: sunosoft on 18 Nov 2014 04:03:55 PM
is the issue for particular user or everybody is facing this issue ? There are few KBs by IBM on this error. Did you try those ?
Title: Re: AAA-AUT-0013 error
Post by: Raj on 18 Nov 2014 09:51:41 PM
Thanks for your replay
i tried some but it's not working, me only facing this error please let me know you have the solutions
Title: Re: AAA-AUT-0013 error
Post by: CognosAnalytics on 19 Nov 2014 01:15:46 PM
Hello Sekhar1988,
What is the URL you use to access the cognos connection portal? Do you have a URL  with namespace/userid/password saved in the URL in your favorites, which you are using?
From what appears to me, you are already authenticated to go in, but you are still trying to logon. It can happen due to couple of reasons that come to my mind:
1) May be your session with logon credentials is still valid and you tried opening the portal and while doing so performed a logon again,
2) Some sort of a single signOn is logging you into the portal but as mentioned above, via a URL with namespace, userid/password embedded in it, you are attempting to logon again.
If these two do not apply to you, I would suggest cleaning out your temporary files, browser cache.

Let me know if it helps,
Title: Re: AAA-AUT-0013 error
Post by: AussiePete2011 on 19 Nov 2014 09:26:03 PM
HI there

We saw something like this as well.
Have you tested using the following URI's for the webserver

E.g. Enter the correct details in place of the tags <..>
1. http://<IP>/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll
2. http://<hostname>/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll
3. http://<FQDN>/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll

Do you get the same message in Firefox as in IE?
Title: Re: AAA-AUT-0013 error
Post by: Raj on 21 Nov 2014 01:17:09 AM
Thanks for your reply

can you explain briefly, i deleted the temporary files and browsing history but it is not working yet and i faced same problem in IE and Firefox also

Title: Re: AAA-AUT-0013 error
Post by: AussiePete2011 on 03 Dec 2014 08:45:32 PM
Hi there

Sorry been a bit busy, but found this recently posted by IBM -
Check that the configuration gateway URI is a FQDN - Fully qualified Domain name
