AM just wondering if Cognos have the feature or can be integrated to have SMS notifications.
Are you familliar with any third-party tool that can accommodate this kind of notifications?
The main agenda is to have sms notification for any data integrity violations.
HI there
There are third party vendors that can do this via an email address such as MessageNet https://www.messagenet.com.au/
Hope this helps because Cognos at this stage doesn't have an SMS messaging service.
I am in the US and do not know if this applies elsewhere, but a lot of the major carriers here let you send a text message using phonenumber@carrierspecific.com, e.g. 8005551212@something.com. Here is a partial list I googled and found at http://20somethingfinance.com/how-to-send-text-messages-sms-via-email-for-free/ (http://20somethingfinance.com/how-to-send-text-messages-sms-via-email-for-free/).
AT&T: number@txt.att.net
T-Mobile: number@tmomail.net
Verizon: number@vtext.com
Sprint: number@messaging.sprintpcs.com or number@pm.sprint.com
Virgin Mobile: number@vmobl.com
Tracfone: number@mmst5.tracfone.com
Metro PCS: number@mymetropcs.com
Boost Mobile: number@myboostmobile.com
Cricket: number@sms.mycricket.com
Nextel: number@messaging.nextel.com
Alltel: number@message.alltel.com
Ptel: number@ptel.com
Suncom: number@tms.suncom.com
Qwest: number@qwestmp.com
U.S. Cellular: number@email.uscc.net