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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: Cognos KW on 07 Nov 2014 03:46:59 AM

Title: Cognos Auditing Table - Data Source and Connection String Query
Post by: Cognos KW on 07 Nov 2014 03:46:59 AM
Hi guys,

Can someone please provide me SQL content store query to get data source name, connection string, owner.

Any help will be much appreciated!
Title: Re: Cognos Auditing Table - Data Source and Connection String Query
Post by: CognosAnalytics on 07 Nov 2014 01:45:30 PM
hello wadhwa.kanul,
This should give you the data source related information. You may have to alter a little bit to get the owner.

select Datasources.Name as "Data Source Name", objnm.NAME as "Connection Name", dconns.CONNECTSTR FROM CMOBJPROPS52 dconns
inner join CMOBJNAMES objnm on
inner join
select dconns.CMID, cmobj.CLASSID, cmobj.PCMID, objnm.NAME from
CMOBJPROPS52 dconns inner join CMOBJECTS cmobj
on dconns.CMID=cmobj.CMID and cmobj.CLASSID=9
inner join CMOBJNAMES objnm
on cmobj.PCMID=objnm.CMID) DataSources
on Datasources.CMID=dconns.CMID
Title: Re: Cognos Auditing Table - Data Source and Connection String Query
Post by: Cognos KW on 07 Nov 2014 10:12:49 PM
Thanks for a quick response cognos810.

Much appreciated!