hi Cognos Masters !
I have a requirement to build a Powerplay Report for a "certain set" of Information in the database.
Presently the Users can access the Reports in ReportNet - which I had set up earlier. ( So the Framework for those information in the database is already set up)
Can anyone let me know how to set up Powerplay Reports ?
I had read the documents, and I gathered that I will have to create the Cubes via the Transformer - which takes .iqd files as input ......................which I have no idea how to create them !
Many Thanks !!!
Do you want to create IQD'sÃ, using reportnet or otherwise?
In ReportNet you must use Framework Manager in order to create IQD's.Ã, Look in the Help function of Framework Manager and search for : Externalizing Query Subjects
There's a complete description of how to do that. Otherwise you can find a multimedia presentation of creating IQD's using Reportnet in the multimedia Knowledge BaseÃ, on the Cognos support site.
If you want to do it otherwise, I only know that you can do that with Impromptu. Create the Impromptu report and save it as "IQD"
Good luck
You have at least 3 ways to create IQD.
- Using Impromptu to create IMR and save them as IQD
- Using FrameWork Manager to create IQD. Ã, Check Cognos support page, Ã, in the multimedia Knowledge base: Cognos ReportNet 1.1 / FrameWork Manager / Features and Functionnaties / Using Cognos FrameWork Manager IQDs in transformer Ã, is explaining everything.Link to Cognos Doc (http://support.cognos.com/kb-app/knowledgebase?document_search_show_document=1&document_id=1012604&version_id=1)
- Using Notepad, there is a predefined format
THANKS GUYS for the replies, I could publish the report as expected.
YOU ARE STARS ***********
Here's another topic about this subject...