Hi all,
We're upgrading to 10.2.1 and testing browser support and come across an issue with Firefox
Regardless of supported version 10.2.1 Fp3 firefox can not open Analysis Studio after selecting either "blank Analysis" or "Default Analysis".
Pop up message is
ANS-MES-005 An unexpected error occurred
I've tested FF 24 ESR, 31 ESR, 34, and 36 all hit the same fault.
Will be lodging a PMR on this issue.
If it is any consolation, it is something in your environment. I just opened one of our cubes in AS with Firefox 32.0.3. We are on Cognos 10.2.1 FP4. We were on FP3 until a few weeks ago and I do not recall any problems then, either.
I am guessing you already checked your server logs. Hopefully IBM can help find it.
Hi Bdbits
Thanks for the heads up.
I'll have a crack at replicating this in a VM to see if it's purely environmental.
Hi all
Can I ask thoughs that have responded and said all is well with FF in their environment if you are all using 64bit and have run the command - Run command copyGateMod.bat 64bit?
As per this document - http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21612147
I've tested AS using FF on IIS6 without issue
I've tested AS using FF on IIS7 with issues after running the above.
Quote from: AussiePete2011 on 29 Oct 2014 07:01:58 PM
Hi all
Can I ask thoughs that have responded and said all is well with FF in their environment if you are all using 64bit and have run the command - Run command copyGateMod.bat 64bit?
As per this document - http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21612147
I've tested AS using FF on IIS6 without issue
I've tested AS using FF on IIS7 with issues after running the above.
I'm using IIS7.5 and my "Enable 32-Bit Applications" setting in the application pool I use for Cognos is set to "False".
I use cgi not isapi, though. No issues for me.
Sadly we are still 32-bit on Windows 2008 R2 with IIS7, also using CGI. We hope to go 64-bit Real Soon Now.