when i validate report before run following error message is genereated. did any one came accross this issue ? not even able to create a simple report.
An application error has occurred. Please contact your Administrator.
Detail :
CCLAssertError:0:Fatal: CCL_ASSERT_NAMED(rResultSetName == rsCurrentResultSetName, "Result set names don't match."); RSV-SRV-0042 Trace back: RSReportService.cpp(639): CCLAssertError: CCL_CAUGHT: RSReportService::process() RSReportServiceMethod.cpp(177): CCLAssertError: CCL_RETHROW: RSReportServiceMethod::process(): validateValidateSpecification_Request RSASyncExecutionThread.cpp(562): CCLAssertError: RSASyncExecutionThread::checkException RSASyncExecutionThread.cpp(205): CCLAssertError: CCL_CAUGHT: RSASyncExecutionThread::run(): validateValidateSpecification_Request RSASyncExecutionThread.cpp(612): CCLAssertError: CCL_RETHROW: RSASyncExecutionThread::processCommand(): validateValidateSpecification_Request ExecutionContextImpl/RSReportValidateExecutionContext.cpp(98): CCLAssertError: CCL_RETHROW: RSReportValidateExecutionContext::run() RSRequest.cpp(1442): CCLAssertError: CCL_RETHROW: RSRequest::validateInteractive() Execution/RSRenderExecution.cpp(584): CCLAssertError: CCL_RETHROW: RSRenderExecution::execute Execution/RSRenderExecution.cpp(856): CCLAssertError: CCL_RETHROW: RSRenderExecution::processActiveDocuments Assembly/RSDocAssemblyDispatch.cpp(235): CCLAssertError: CCL_RETHROW: RSDocAssemblyDispatch::dispatchAssembly RSQueryMgr.cpp(947): CCLAssertError: CCL_RETHROW: RSQueryMgr::getListIterator RSQueryMgr.cpp(1007): CCLAssertError: CCL_RETHROW: RSQueryMgr::getResultSetIterator RSQueryMgr.cpp(1169): CCLAssertError: CCL_RETHROW: RSQueryMgr::createIterator RSQueryMgr.cpp(1215): CCLAssertError: CCL_THROW:
Thanks you,
that's a fun one. I came across that one a few times when upgrading from 8.1.1 to 8.2. Try validating the report from within Report Studio and see what error messages pop up. It is most likely caused by an error in one of your queries. Try to use this validation to pinpoint the query in question. You may need to :
Set up solve orders
Explicitly define the aggregation types on the data items as well as any Data Item calculation expressions.
If this does not help, I would recommend either building the query from scratch or passing along the XML spec of the report for further analysis by users in the forum or by Cognos Support.
even i came accross such error many time
look into the Query for which Data item it gives this error .
go to the report page and select that particular Query Object (i.e. List ,Crosstab etc) ,Now go the Properties Pane of that Object and
in Data Property there is Properties property click it and check that particular data item ....
hope it will help u ....