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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: shrikant.dhomane on 16 Oct 2014 03:01:13 AM

Title: CM-CFG-5063 The connection string is "jdbc:derby://localhost:1557/cm"
Post by: shrikant.dhomane on 16 Oct 2014 03:01:13 AM
Hi Guys,

cognos not working and throwing the below error in cogserver.log

CM-CFG-5063 A Content Manager configuration error was detected while connecting to the content store. CM-CFG-5036 Content Manager failed to connect to the content store. The connection string is "jdbc:derby://localhost:1557/cm". DERBY SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: XJ040, SQLERRMC: Failed to start database 'cm', see the next exception for details.::SQLSTATE: XSDB4Page Page(2,Container(0, 4385)) is at version 6,841, the log file contains change version 6,842, either there are log records of this page missing, or this page did not get written out to disk properly. Cause: DERBY SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: XJ040, SQLERRMC: Failed to start database 'cm', see the next exception for details.::SQLSTATE: XSDB4Page Page(2,Container(0, 4385)) is at version 6,841, the log file contains change version 6,842, either there are log records of this page missing, or this page did not get written out to disk properl

we are following the steps in below technote

but stuck at below step

connect 'jdbc:derby://localhost:1557/cm;create=true;user=cognos;password=cognos';

ERROR XJ040: DERBY SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: XJ040, SQLERRMC: Failed to start database 'cm', see the next exception for details.::SQLSTATE: XSDB0Unexpected exception on in-memory page null

Any help/suggestion much appraciated

Thanks in Advance
Title: Re: CM-CFG-5063 The connection string is "jdbc:derby://localhost:1557/cm"
Post by: Vivieng on 04 Dec 2014 02:50:30 AM

Same problem and I found a solution. I did this.

1/ Stop derby
<cognos>/bin/derby.bat stop
2/ Start derby
<cognos>/bin/derby.bat start 1528
3/ Restart Cognos