I have been asked to make a list of all existing reports in the Public folder and subfolders.
Has anyone done this? We are using an Informix db.
I am hoping that I don't have to go through each folder manually and write them down.... :P
I ended up doing a copy/paste of the screen contents. Not too painful...
But if anyone has knowledge of a better way, please let me know!
Third party tools, like MetaManager or Motio can do this.
I wrote a script (http://cognospaul.com/2014/03/11/export-report-xmls-file-system-updated/) that will loop through and pull out all of the reports in the content store. You might be able to adapt that to meet your needs. The SQL is based on SQL Server 2005, so you'll need to adapt the SQL, especially the nested loop.
Use search results to get multiple folders at once. It's still a copy/paste operation but it works.