i have created a new Cognos server and have doen a cold backup of my content store form previous Cognos install
I have then restored the SQL content store to a new database
I have amended configuration to point to restored database
the new server is not part of the domain
when I go to cognos connection I cannot see and of my content store
Any ideas
I bet your new cognos installation is not seeing the tables in the new database.
This could happen if for example your previous installation used domain authentication in sqlserver: The tables are owned by something like DOMAIN\cognosserveruser.
Your new installation is using sql server authentication = username/passowrd (from the "is not part of the domain" part) and it might be expecting the tables to be in dbo schema.
When you started the new cognos for the first time, it found that your database is "empty" and created the tables.
You can check if this is the case by looking at the database with management studio: If this is the case, you see two schemas with identical table names.
Thanks for your reply, just to let you know the issue was caused by the Content Manager service needed to be started by the dbowner of Content Store.
thanks for you reply
The same would be said for a distributed environment where you wouldn't want the local system to start up the services for the content store or dispatchers. Our best practice it to create a domain admin account that starts the services and has DB access. That way if you don't know who's account it is or a person leaves the corp and is deleted from AD there are no impacts to service.