Basically, when you subtract 2 dates in Oracle the result returned is the fraction in days (provided time portion is filled)
I need this time difference to based calculations on.
Framework only accepts this subtraction when local processing is activated, but then it returns a time interval which is the duration formatted to a nice format useless to perform calcs on.
Anyone an idea how to solve this?
Cognos KB has a reference 1029733.1 on this topic.
From within Framework manager setting the format of TIME INTERVAL to a specific format (such as minutes) does not change the way the outcome of the subtraction is presented. But I hope it is correctly presented within the studios...
Works as designed ;)
In Impromptu, I remember having to use the DAY function on the interval to extract the day part as an integer before using in further calculations. Probably worth a try here too, although you'd probably need to use the extract function rather than the day function
eg: extract(day, ([date2] - [date1])
Thank you , that seems to work quite nicely.
To sum up what we tested (for Oracle):
Calculation 1: "Whole days without having to switch on local processing"
to_char([namespace].[namespace1].[Date1];'J') - to_char([namespace].[namespace1].[Date2];'J')
Calculation 2: "Whole days and being forced to switch on local processing":
Calculation 3: "Timeinterval to be formatted and being forced to switch on local processing":
[namespace].[namespace1].[Date1]- [namespace].[namespace1].[Date2]
Calculations 2 and 3 seem to have the same use.
However, the datatype of calculation2 is Int32, and that of calculation3 is Time Interval