Hi there, is there a quicker a way of transferring "My Folder" from one namespace to another (duplicated users and the new one must be used therefore my folders need to move under the new account under a new namespace).
I'm currently doing this by going to each user and copying the reports and pasting it in their new "My Folder".
My folders contains packages, folders and report objects.
There is no concept of namespace in my folders.
Thanks & Regards
saumil sanghvi
Perhaps Yizi means he has a new namespace, and the same real-world users exist in both namespaces. And the desire is to transfer the real-world user's My Folders from their account in one namespace to their account in another.
I do not know how Cognos stores security all that well, but I believe as far as Cognos is considered, each instance of a namespace/logon is considered a unique entity. It has no idea the Namespace1/JohnDoe is the same as NameSpace2/JohnDoe. You might be able to whip up an SDK program to do it, but I doubt these is any out-of-the-box method to do this.
Quote from: bdbits on 26 Sep 2014 02:33:35 PM
Perhaps Yizi means he has a new namespace, and the same real-world users exist in both namespaces. And the desire is to transfer the real-world user's My Folders from their account in one namespace to their account in another.
I do not know how Cognos stores security all that well, but I believe as far as Cognos is considered, each instance of a namespace/logon is considered a unique entity. It has no idea the Namespace1/JohnDoe is the same as NameSpace2/JohnDoe. You might be able to whip up an SDK program to do it, but I doubt these is any out-of-the-box method to do this.
That's exactly what I meant, thanks for the clarification, looks like they need to be transferred one by one :-[
Quote from: Yizi on 29 Sep 2014 08:37:01 AM
That's exactly what I meant, thanks for the clarification, looks like they need to be transferred one by one :-[
In the standard UI, yes they do. There are a couple of third-party pproducts that make the process a lot easier though - BSP's Metamanager is one:
if your goal is to have the content of your "My folder" be available to the other namespace.
I think you can try to copy the content of "My folder" from namaspace1 and paste it to "My folder" of namespace2. When troubleshooting reports problem, my first step is to copy that report from the clients' and paste it to my folder so i can investigate well. If you have access to the namespace from IBM cognos configuration >> security, i navigate through the namespace and through the desired user. After clicking the My folders item, i am able to see that users My folder contents and is able to copy them on my own folder.
Im not sure if this could help you.