Hi ,
I used a report which had product dimensions and used few members in the report.
Now there was some additional products added in that dimension and this changes the mun values. I referred my products as
([Sales].[Product Team].[Product Team].[Product_description]->:[PC].[@MEMBER].[ABC~590])
Is this is a mistake,
should I always drag the member name instead of ID.
IS there a workaround or should I change all mun to member names.
This is causing error when running the report.
Quote from: nithya1224 on 05 Sep 2014 08:01:08 AM
Hi ,
I used a report which had product dimensions and used few members in the report.
Now there was some additional products added in that dimension and this changes the mun values. I referred my products as
([Sales].[Product Team].[Product Team].[Product_description]->:[PC].[@MEMBER].[ABC~590])
Is this is a mistake,
should I always drag the member name instead of ID.
IS there a workaround or should I change all mun to member names.
This is causing error when running the report.
It makes no difference whether you use member names or not - if your report refers directly to members it will be using the MUN under the covers. You can prevent this by using levels, but sometimes this is not appropriate.
The real issue here is that the MUNS are changing in Transformer. The IDs (or Category Codes in Transformer-terms) are non-unique within the dimension by th elooks of things - eg you have products with the same IDs as Product Lines or Product Types. Transformer is making them unique by appending a ~ and a random number. A much better approach is to use concatenated IDs in Transformer - eg concatenate the Product Line Code, the Product Type Code and the Product Code to make the ID for each product unique. This way, the IDs will be stable.