Hi ,
I have an active report with a crosstab showing region in columns and product in rows with sales.
Then I have a datadeck with a heat map on its card. Data deck and crosstab are linked by product .
Heat map shows regions in x categories and time in yaxis and filtered or linked by product from crosstab.
So whenever I click on any product in crosstab my heatmap is filtered by same.
Now I have to have a drill down on my heat map.If he clicks on any cell intersecting region and time , It should drill down to next level of distributor.
How to achieve this. I know we have to add the next level in a datadeck and pass this value from 1st deck to second..
But how do I start already I have a deck with heat map on it. How to proceed. Pls provide your suggestions.
I appreciate your help.
Quote from: nithya1224 on 02 Sep 2014 04:19:20 PM
Hi ,
I have an active report with a crosstab showing region in columns and product in rows with sales.
Then I have a datadeck with a heat map on its card. Data deck and crosstab are linked by product .
Heat map shows regions in x categories and time in yaxis and filtered or linked by product from crosstab.
So whenever I click on any product in crosstab my heatmap is filtered by same.
Now I have to have a drill down on my heat map.If he clicks on any cell intersecting region and time , It should drill down to next level of distributor.
How to achieve this. I know we have to add the next level in a datadeck and pass this value from 1st deck to second..
But how do I start already I have a deck with heat map on it. How to proceed. Pls provide your suggestions.
I appreciate your help.
Is there any reason you put the heatmap in a data deck? The new RAVE visualizations can be filtered, which often removes the need to use a data deck with them. If you make this simplification it should make your job a lot easier.
The reason was to get the animation effect of moving from top to bottom :) which was present in the data deck properties..
Quote from: nithya1224 on 03 Sep 2014 03:46:32 PM
The reason was to get the animation effect of moving from top to bottom :) which was present in the data deck properties..
Visualizations in active reports have their very own animations. I think these look cooler than those of a data deck. :)
Okay, I shall remove the heat map on the data deck..Now how should I add drill levels.
Quote from: nithya1224 on 04 Sep 2014 07:58:18 AM
Okay, I shall remove the heat map on the data deck..Now how should I add drill levels.
So you need:
1. Your crosstab to have a clickable region of "rows" (so you can select Products to filter on).
2. A data deck, driven by Region and Year
3. A Heatmap visualization in the data deck, with Country in X and Quarter in Y (ie the next level down from Region and Year). It will have Region as an Extra Category for X and Year as an Extra Category for Y. It will also have Product as an Extra Category for X.
4. A master/detail relationship between this heatmap and the data deck, based on both Region and Year (ie two links within it)
5. The Crosstab needs to FILTER the heatmap based on Product (create a new variable for this)
6. Select the data deck and enable the default card in data deck properties
7. Drag another heat map onto the default card. Populate this one with Region in X, Year in Y and Product as an extra category for X.
8. The crosstab needs to FILTER this second heatmap based on Product (reuse the existing variable)
9. The second heatmap you just created needs to SELECT the data deck - once on Year and again on Region - so you create two connections with a new variable for each.
10. Add a button to the right of the first heatmap. Give it a label of "Drill Up" and in the Set Variable Values property, have it set both the Region and Year variables to Empty.
That should do it. I have included an example of a working solution based on the sample Great Outdoors Sales En powercube package (attached).
I am trying to use the sample report you attached.
I am trying to open report from clipboard and change my report package to Greate Outdoor Sales which I already have.
Getting the error as
QE-DEF-0030 Expression parsing error.
QE-DEF-0359 The query contains a reference to at least one object '[great_outdoors_sales_en].[Sales regions].[Sales regions].[Sales region]' that does not exist.
How to resolve this.
Quote from: nithya1224 on 02 Mar 2015 04:50:35 PM
I am trying to use the sample report you attached.
I am trying to open report from clipboard and change my report package to Greate Outdoor Sales which I already have.
Getting the error as
QE-DEF-0030 Expression parsing error.
QE-DEF-0359 The query contains a reference to at least one object '[great_outdoors_sales_en].[Sales regions].[Sales regions].[Sales region]' that does not exist.
How to resolve this.
Wrong package - my example is built against the "Great Outdoors Sales En package", which is based on the great_outdoors_sales_en sample PowerCube that ships with the samples.
Imported the correct package,and the report is validated, but I run the report I get the below error attached in the screen shot.
Please advise
Quote from: nithya1224 on 03 Mar 2015 08:16:40 AM
Imported the correct package,and the report is validated, but I run the report I get the below error attached in the screen shot.
Please advise
I just grabbed the spec from the attachment and tried it. Since writing the report I have upgaded to 10.2.2. The report spec upgrades and the report runs fine for me (like it did in 10.2.1). The error you posted seems to indicate your visualization isn't wide enough to accommodate the data you have. Maybe you could try increasing its width from 500 to a larger value?
I understood how drill down can be replicated here.
Always it would be like showing the default card first with higher level item and then this would select the datadeck and this in turn datadeck will have masterdetail relationship with another heat map present in it.
So assuming if there are three heatmaps how should I implement it this.