I am prototyping with MySQL Cluster as a data source, previously SQL Server was the data source. When upgrading packages are there any known functions that are depreciated between the environments? I have an issue where SQL does not resolve and displays RQP-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlPrepareWithOptions' status='-69'.
I am fairly certain there are SQL Server functions that MySQL does not have. It is not a matter of deprecation as much as different databases having different extended functionality beyond base ANSI SQL.
Is there a particular function causing you difficulty? We might be able to help you convert it to something MySQL supports.
We have date functions which use the datepart and dateadd functuins.
((?DateRangeType? = '1') AND (?PreviousDatePrompt? = '18') AND ([Business Period Quarter] = datepart({quarter},dateadd({quarter},1,current_date))) AND ([Business Period Year] = datepart({year},dateadd({quarter},1,current_date)))
((?DateRangeType? = '2') AND (?PreviousDatePrompt? = '18') AND ([Business Period Quarter] = datepart({quarter},dateadd({quarter},1,current_date))) AND ([Business Period Year] = datepart({year},dateadd({quarter},1,current_date)))
Yes, datepart and dateadd are SQL Server specific functions. So you will need to update the expressions.
There are similar MySQL functions, like extract(), date_add(), date_sub(), etc. There is quite a bit of info on converting between the two at (
Since you will be modifying the expressions anyway, you may want to consider using the Cognos built-in functions which will be database independent.
You can find them in the help files, or at (