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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: nbarsley on 05 Jul 2007 04:13:26 PM

Title: D-list formatted item security
Post by: nbarsley on 05 Jul 2007 04:13:26 PM
I'm searching for a way of setting up security on a dlist formatted item. If I don't explain myself correctly, please don't hesitate to ask me to clarify my question.
We have our elist set up by functional area like this:
Total Company

Within our application we have a drop down menu so that the users can select the correct cost center for each line item.
Our d-list which makes up the drop down looks like this:

12345 IT CC 1
21345 IT CC 2
31234 IT CC 3
41234 HR CC1
51234 HR CC2

The problem is that we have so many cost centers so that it makes it very difficult to find the appropriate cost center.

When we are in the IT elist item we would only like to see the IT Cost centers it the drop down menu.
Is there a way of linking the elist functional areas to the dlist functional areas and cost centers?

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: D-list formatted item security
Post by: jluckhoff on 07 Jul 2007 03:49:03 AM
Not sure about this one:
My first thought would be an saved selection/access table but these only apply to cubes and not to dlist formatted items.

Depending on how big your model is you could try a different approach for example you could add a dimension to the cube for each Class of Business (CAB). For example:

(Dimension Class_of_Business)

Then break your CC dlist down to

(Dimension CC)

This is easy to do in CEP and should not affect your model size too much however my guess is that IT will want to call its CC1 something different from HR for example.
This is where it will get tricky - I suppose you could have a translation table in your underlying database and then once data has been published from CEP you could write some SQL to translate back to the names you want.
Fore example:

Select '12345 IT CC 1' , exportvalue from EV_Cube where dimension _Class_of_Business = 'IT' and DIMENSION_CC = 'CC1'

(Obviously you will do this as join statement and not hardcoded as above)

Dont know if that would be a solution but from my understanding i thnk that could work providing your users will accept the format.

Otherwise you could try to add a column in your cube for each CAB and then create a dlist per CAB to contain the appropriate formatted items and then format the individual columns/dimension items accordingly. You can then use access tables to lock it down per Elist item.

This approach could work but at the risk of making your model very big - use cut-down if you go for it.

Right, I'm out of ideas - hope that helps.

Title: Re: D-list formatted item security
Post by: ykud on 07 Jul 2007 03:28:55 PM
I'd recommend above-mentioned approach of adding a separate dlist formated element for each CAB.Yet this brings out update problems -- you'll have to add those dlist elems by hand. 
Sometimes it's enough to bring hierarchy in unified list to simplify searching in it. In the way:
  -- HR related elem1
  -- HR related elem2
  -- IT related elem1
  -- IT related elem2

Translation way requires decoding values back - some allocation cube, telling that HR-1 is that, and IT-1 is this.