We are using cognos 8.4
Previuosly IQD is created through report by using Package.
As one of our Oracle Consultant did some changes in SQL .We used Pass through SQL to IQD as report .
This is error I am getting when I changed the data source in cube
RQP-DEF-0329 the database name 'DW' precending the native SQL for query subject 'query 1.0' is unknown
please let me know how to fix this issue
Quote from: ReshNeel on 20 Aug 2014 08:53:11 AM
We are using cognos 8.4
Previuosly IQD is created through report by using Package.
As one of our Oracle Consultant did some changes in SQL .We used Pass through SQL to IQD as report .
This is error I am getting when I changed the data source in cube
RQP-DEF-0329 the database name 'DW' precending the native SQL for query subject 'query 1.0' is unknown
please let me know how to fix this issue
Sounds like the name of the data field was changed from the original database field name or the field could be a calculated field comprised of several different fields. Go back to the report and look at the the properties for the field
Hi Raghuvir,
Thank you for Info.
But I tried to changes some of the properties but it doesn't work out getting same error.
Does any one can help out to fix this issue.