Hey Guys,
Until yesterday, my cognos setup was all fine and running.
Today I am unable to locate my IBM Cognos Configuration in my list of All Programs.
Also, the service detail for IBM Cognos is missing from my services.msc
Please help.
C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\c10_64\bin64
try running cogconfig from here.
Quote from: newb2cog on 14 Aug 2014 07:14:18 PM
Hey Guys,
Until yesterday, my cognos setup was all fine and running.
Today I am unable to locate my IBM Cognos Configuration in my list of All Programs.
Also, the service detail for IBM Cognos is missing from my services.msc
Please help.
Did someone uninstall the Cognos software? Did a system restore happen? Sounds to me like you might need to reinstall. What content store were you using? Is the database for that still present?
MFGF - I don't think someone must have un-installed the same. I am using SQL Server 2008, which is pretty much present. I had got it installed from a friend. I don't think I have the package with me.
feds - I will check this and let you know.
Quote from: newb2cog on 15 Aug 2014 08:23:09 AM
I had got it installed from a friend. I don't think I have the package with me.
So you're saying you don't have a legitimate copy of Cognos? You're admitting this on a public Cognos forum, which IBM staff are known to frequent? Really??
Nope. I am not the Admin guy who made the set up I mean.
Anyways, I am not sure which file to run from properties file.
Quote from: newb2cog on 15 Aug 2014 06:08:57 PM
Anyways, I am not sure which file to run from properties file.
What do you mean by this? What properties file do you have? What are you trying to run?