Hello i need urgent help. I need to create a hyperlink/http link to a list of documents stored on the server however i can get the document number to show but not the account number and transaction.
I need it to authenticate the three when the user clicks on the link in the excel document. Below number one just shows the document number but not the account and transaction, number two outputts all the numbers at the end but should be i.e. &AC=123 &DT=SIN etc.
1) 'http://webdev.ainscough.co.uk/OnlinePayments/?U=OnlinePayment&P=ksdfre7DffdweEcdSed894sd5GGdd338jjfdds677d903je294FFtyuklp893S1122xcvmm7&AC=[Main Account]&DT=[Transaction]&DN='+cast([Document Number], varchar(16))
2) 'http://webdev.ainscough.co.uk/OnlinePayments/?U=OnlinePayment&P=ksdfre7DffdweEcdSed894sd5GGdd338jjfdds677d903je294FFtyuklp893S1122xcvmm7&AC=&DT=&DN='+cast([Main Account],varchar(16))+' '+ cast ([Transaction],varchar(16)) + ' '+cast([Document Number], varchar(16))
Thank You in Advance
Quote from: cbyrne on 11 Aug 2014 09:55:06 AM
Hello i need urgent help. I need to create a hyperlink/http link to a list of documents stored on the server however i can get the document number to show but not the account number and transaction.
I need it to authenticate the three when the user clicks on the link in the excel document. Below number one just shows the document number but not the account and transaction, number two outputts all the numbers at the end but should be i.e. &AC=123 &DT=SIN etc.
1) 'http://webdev.ainscough.co.uk/OnlinePayments/?U=OnlinePayment&P=ksdfre7DffdweEcdSed894sd5GGdd338jjfdds677d903je294FFtyuklp893S1122xcvmm7&AC=[Main Account]&DT=[Transaction]&DN='+cast([Document Number], varchar(16))
2) 'http://webdev.ainscough.co.uk/OnlinePayments/?U=OnlinePayment&P=ksdfre7DffdweEcdSed894sd5GGdd338jjfdds677d903je294FFtyuklp893S1122xcvmm7&AC=&DT=&DN='+cast([Main Account],varchar(16))+' '+ cast ([Transaction],varchar(16)) + ' '+cast([Document Number], varchar(16))
Thank You in Advance
This appears to be exactly what you are asking it to do in your expression??? If you want each value to follow its AC, DT or DN in the URL, you simply need to reposition these in the expression, eg:
'http://webdev.ainscough.co.uk/OnlinePayments/?U=OnlinePayment&P=ksdfre7DffdweEcdSed894sd5GGdd338jjfdds677d903je294FFtyuklp893S1122xcvmm7&AC='+cast([Main Account],varchar(16))+' &DT='+ cast ([Transaction],varchar(16)) + ' &DN='+cast([Document Number], varchar(16))
Thank you MF, i am in the uk so late here, i will give this a try in the morning.
Quote from: cbyrne123 on 11 Aug 2014 04:21:33 PM
i am in the uk
Me too! :) It's sunny in Newcastle-under-Lyme today!