Hi Friends,
I have a couple of query relating to Active reports.
1) Can any one explain to me what all types of reports can I create using Active reports ?
2) Does Active report support only Dimentional Datasource. Or does it support both relational and dimentional datasource ?
Thanks & Regards
Quote from: diasbrad on 08 Aug 2014 01:09:44 AM
Hi Friends,
I have a couple of query relating to Active reports.
1) Can any one explain to me what all types of reports can I create using Active reports ?
2) Does Active report support only Dimentional Datasource. Or does it support both relational and dimentional datasource ?
Thanks & Regards
An active report can be of any "type" you choose - it's essentially a normal Report Studio report with some offline controls and containers to allow data to be saved into the rendered report output, allowing users to interact with it in a standalone situation (ie no need to be connected to the Cognos server). It can be of any style you choose. Because it operates standalone, there are certain things that work differently, for example "drill-down". In an online report this sends a request to the server to return the children of the selected member, but in an Active Report you're not connected to the server, so you use a different approach - either by having a control to filter an object on the page, or by navigating to a different card in a deck to show a different set of data. To the end user, the final report might appear to behave in exactly the same way, but as the author you need to understand how Active Report controls and objects work together.
You can use both dimensional packages and relational packages to build active reports - the choice is yours.
I'd recommend you read the Active Reports Cookbook from IBM - it's a really good introduction to the concepts of writing Active Reports and it has lots of good examples for you to examine:
Thanks MF,
For the Exlaination. I have just roughtly gone throught the notes that you have mentioned, it seem very helpful.
I will try them out and incase I get stuck any where I will post you my difficulty.
Thanks Budy for the help once again :)