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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Dynamic Cubes => Topic started by: morpheus on 31 Jul 2014 04:11:53 AM

Title: Cube Designer Get Metadata wizard not showing all schemas
Post by: morpheus on 31 Jul 2014 04:11:53 AM

I have created and successfully tested the jdbc datasource connection to the OE Oracle sample schema.

i am trying to use this data source to import the metadata in the Cognos Cube designer. However when i try to import the required data, it is not showing the OE schema.

I tried modifying the datasource credentials to use the scott/SH/system credentials as well, but for every logging, it is only showing the same schema names.

However the strange thing is that the same datasource connection is listing everything in framework manager. i am attaching the images  so that you guys can see the difference in the schema listing. Request your help..thnx
Title: Re: Cube Designer Get Metadata wizard not showing all schemas
Post by: anthus on 13 Oct 2014 10:00:06 AM
I just submitted this same question to IBM in a ticket and received the following info.  Oracle system tables do not show in Cube Designer.  If you set your Framework Manager data source property to DQM and not CQM, you should see the same schemas in Cube Designer as you do in Framework Manager.  It's the DQM that is limiting it. 
Title: Re: Cube Designer Get Metadata wizard not showing all schemas
Post by: raztos on 22 Nov 2014 05:30:46 AM
@morpheus, @anthus: I strongly disagree that's the limitation for Dynamic Cube Designer.

The issue why no sources are shown in dialog windows after clicking Get Metadata is that you have no installed full blown client on the server where Cognos 10 instace resides. I had a same issue and solved by installation of full blown client for DB2. Now I am able to have in Cube Designer list of sources (connected as Dynamic, Compatible modes) as well.

Note: I am using Cube Designer with FixPack 5
Title: Re: Cube Designer Get Metadata wizard not showing all schemas
Post by: anthus on 24 Nov 2014 07:26:43 AM
Thank you for your reply.  You mentioned you are on fix patch 5.  I thought 4 was the latest -- that is what we are on.  Please let me know if there is a newer patch available.  We have Oracle as our data source not DB2. So maybe it is different for Oracle sources?  I opened a ticket with IBM and they were able to duplicate the issue on their end and said it was a limitation of dynamic query mode.  Again, it may only be with Oracle data sources.  The issue I had was seeing the system schemas.
Title: Re: Cube Designer Get Metadata wizard not showing all schemas
Post by: raztos on 09 Dec 2014 02:30:29 AM

As far as I know the last one is FixPack5. I am still cannot believe that it is the thing of Oracle/DB2 that you cannot see metada-sources.
Pleasu upgrade to FixPack 5 fixpack must  be for 32bit (concrete up_bisrvr_win32_10.2.5005.78_ml.tar). Let us know if it works.