I have created few cubes using Cognos Transformer 10.2.1 with Cognos 10.2.1 Framework Manager package as a source. The source database is DB2.
When I build Cube manually using Transformer interface it works fine without any errors and gets deployed to specified location. I carried out Check model option and it shows no errors.
Now I wrote batch script as follows
cd D:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\cognos\c10-32\bin
cogtr -n2 -r4 -c -g -k"Phase1=<<cognm>>/<<pwd>>" -s -p"D:\Transformer Cube\test\test_Model_04Jul2014.pyj"
When I executed this batch script, I got error code as 1 and I was able to see following entries in Cube Log File
Transformer(10.2.5001.14) Mon Jul 14 16:00:02 2014
Product locale: English (en)
Run locale: English (United States) (en-us)
Codepage: windows-1252
Mon 14 Jul 2014 4:00:02 PM 4 000000C9 (TR0646) Column or filter 'TIME_ID' is based on reference '[Phase1].[Time].[TIME_ID]' which cannot be found in package or report 'EWR_Cube_Model'.
Mon 14 Jul 2014 4:00:03 PM 3 000000C9 (TR0649) One or more columns or filters cannot be found in datasource 'Time Dimension'. [->OK]
Transformer Mon Jul 14 16:00:03 2014
I have checked that the database user id & password combination is working properly. I have also added same database sign-on in Transformer model.
Though still I am getting above mentioned error.
Can some one help me out to get this resolved?
The -s option cannot be used with -p and it is possible this is causing this seemingly-unrelated error message. You don't need the -p, just use the model name at the end of the command line. I would question whether you really need -s either, actually.
If you have a signon in the Transformer model, add -lyourlogon/yourpassword to the command line.
What happens if you run that same command line by typing it in?
If this is a batch file, are you invoking the batch file yourself or from a schedule? If the latter, is it running under different credentials? That is a common problem; whatever credentials are being used have to have permissions to all the bits and pieces.