Hi Gents
There's an item available in the toolbox of Cognos 10 called Data Drop Down list in order to filter dynamically data in a report.
I can not find the same feature in Cognos 8.4.
Is there any way to realize something similar in Cognos 8.4?
Thank you
That is a tool box item that is specific to Active Reports. I believe Active Reports were introduced in 10.
You can add a prompt control directly on a report page in Cognos 8 so that a user running in HTML can re-run the report with different selections. The control could be set to auto-submit or you can add a Finish button to the page if necessary.
thanks for the prompt response Lynn
i'll look into this and revert back if questions
Good luck, and for future reference ... The salutation "gents" doesn't really fit for us females here on Cognoise
Thanks Lynn and sorry for the Gents ;)
I had a look and this is not what I'm trying to do
With a prompt they will have to re-run the report
What i'm trying to do is to add a drop down filter in the report so they can update a table based on the filter value without re-running the report
Any other idea?
Actually it's close enough to what i'm trying to achieve
The issue i have with this is that it's still runtime
E.g. once you specify a different value in the drop down list the query will run to bring back data and based on your data set that can take a while
I'm looking for a solution which filters the data in the report after having retrieved it all
Really what the Drop Down List does in Active Reports
Thanks in advance for your inputs
Quote from: moutaye on 17 Jul 2014 03:57:26 AM
Actually it's close enough to what i'm trying to achieve
The issue i have with this is that it's still runtime
E.g. once you specify a different value in the drop down list the query will run to bring back data and based on your data set that can take a while
I'm looking for a solution which filters the data in the report after having retrieved it all
Really what the Drop Down List does in Active Reports
Thanks in advance for your inputs
You don't have that option in Cognos 8, sadly. If you want interaction in the report, it has to run "live". If you upgrade to Cognos 10 you can use an Active Report.
Thanks MFGF