How to remove the "Enter your credentials " and "Namespace" from the cognos10.1 login page.
hi aravind,
in the cognos configuration, in the explorer pane go to security tab. in security find the authentication tab. you will find a cognos namespace. click on the cognos namespace and turn the "allow anonymous access?" property to tru.
by doing this you wont be prompted to the login page. Everyone would have access to the cognos connection.
i hope this would fulfil your requirement.
Thanks Raghuvir,
The Login page has the LDAP Security, If I set the access to true ,everybody will access .
I want to hide the "NameSpace :XXX" with LDAP Security in the Login Screen,In which file I need to change.
hi aravind,
may i know why you want to remove that ?
As per client requirement, need to remove the Namespace and Enter your credentials.
Is it something like that you want to implement SSO there ?
SSO already implemented,I want to hide the Namespace in the login page.In which file I need to change .
Check out if this help you.
Hi paddhu,
I have created my custom login page,now I want to remove the Namespace from Login page.Is it possible.please check the attached image.