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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: Francis aka khayman on 26 Jun 2014 10:04:41 PM

Title: Roles Description
Post by: Francis aka khayman on 26 Jun 2014 10:04:41 PM
I am having a difficult time obtaining the docs on User Roles.

What I am trying to achieve is find out what roles to give a user so that the said user can practically administer our Cognos Connection but  the user is not a System Administrator.

If somebody can point me to the right direction, its highly appreciated.
Title: Re: Roles Description
Post by: cognostechie on 28 Jun 2014 04:06:39 PM
Is there a role called 'Directory Administrators' ? if so, you might want to try that.
Title: Re: Roles Description
Post by: MFGF on 10 Jul 2014 07:15:04 AM
Quote from: khayman on 26 Jun 2014 10:04:41 PM
I am having a difficult time obtaining the docs on User Roles.

What I am trying to achieve is find out what roles to give a user so that the said user can practically administer our Cognos Connection but  the user is not a System Administrator.

If somebody can point me to the right direction, its highly appreciated.


Bear in mind that the user in question needs to have a relevant admin license before you grant them any admin capabilities.

Title: Re: Roles Description
Post by: Raghuvir on 17 Jul 2014 08:51:13 AM

Is there any way we can find out the active users in cognos and to which group do they belong ? i tried querying the CMOBJPROPS1 table nut was not able to find the list of users.

Request you to guide me with this query.

Title: Re: Roles Description
Post by: Francis aka khayman on 27 Aug 2014 12:31:17 AM
check this out
Title: Re: Roles Description
Post by: cognostechie on 27 Aug 2014 11:29:38 AM
Quote from: Raghuvir on 17 Jul 2014 08:51:13 AM

Is there any way we can find out the active users in cognos and to which group do they belong ? i tried querying the CMOBJPROPS1 table nut was not able to find the list of users.

Request you to guide me with this query.


I use this to query Content Store and it gives me perfect results:

SELECT v_user.ldap_id , group_name

FROM cmreford1 v_group_user
(SELECT cmid user_id, UPPER(NAME) ldap_id
FROM cmobjprops33) v_user
ON v_group_user.refcmid = v_user.user_id
(SELECT cmobjnames.cmid cmid,UPPER(cmobjnames.NAME) name
FROM cmobjects,cmobjnames, cmlocales
WHERE cmobjects.classid IN (26, 54)
AND cmobjnames.mapdlocaleid = cmlocales.mapdlocaleid
AND cmobjects.cmid = cmobjnames.cmid
AND cmlocales.locale = 'en') v_group
ON v_group.cmid = v_group_user.cmid
--where like '%%'
--and v_user.ldap_id like '%%'
order by 1,2