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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos Disclosure Management => Topic started by: lukasz_matuszkiewicz on 26 Jun 2014 05:55:24 AM

Title: Table headers on each page
Post by: lukasz_matuszkiewicz on 26 Jun 2014 05:55:24 AM
I'm working in CDM ver. 10.2.2 and I'm struggling with displaying long tables in Word generated report.

If a table is longer than one page I would like to display its headers on each page. However, my table is displayed as a name range variable from Excel object. Is it possible to display headers on each page the table is on?

Thank you very much in advance for any input,
Łukasz Matuszkiewicz
Title: Re: Table headers on each page
Post by: Andi on 07 Jul 2014 04:45:13 AM
Hi Łukasz,

Unfortunately, currently, there is no way do display headers on each of the pages the table is on automatically from CDM.  The feature is on the roadmap but at this time hasn't been scheduled for a release yet.


Title: Re: Table headers on each page
Post by: lukasz_matuszkiewicz on 08 Jul 2014 03:48:34 AM
Hi Andi,
thank you for your input. I was afraid it was impossible.

Łukasz Matuszkiewicz