Hi Gurus!
I have a report that uses a relational data source. I'm having a problem whenever I add an image to it. But, the weird thing is that it perfectly works when I run it through the report studio. And, it throws an error when I try to run it by just clicking its link on the list of reports.
Error Message:
The report server encountered an internal error. Check additional information associated with this error message. If cause of problem cannot be ascertained, increase the logging level in the IBM Cognos administration tool and reproduce the conditions that caused the error. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the IBM Cognos Support Portal page at http://www-947.ibm.com/support/entry/portal/Overview/Software/Information_Management/Cognos_Business_Intelligence.
I have another active report which is almost the same as this one but I'm not encountering the error. I wonder what I did wrong on the other report. Does anyone have an idea? Thanks in advance. :)
Finally solved the problem..! If other people encountered the same problem, what I did to solve it was just I tried to browse the image and not just copy the url to the image url box then click 'OK'. Then, I tried to click the link of the report from the lists of reports, and voila! It worked! :) ;) Though, I don't have any idea why it caused the report to throw an error.