Hi, I'm having issues with the audit logs. The report used to update fine and it just suddenly stopped working. I've checked the following already:
- Logging level is set to request
- Logging database is tested and working in administration and the environment
- The database table does not update (so i can only assume the data is not even being collected)
- Services restarted
Hi Yizi,
have you tested the Audit database mapping in the cognos configuration?
How about cogserver.log file ?
Is cogserver.log file is being updated ?
Also check if the userid which is being used for audit DB is having sufficient access permissions.
You can work with your DBA for this.
I'd start the digging in with the DBA at size. Could be that your Audit DB has reached its limit. You can easily test by trying to manually insert rows.
You have "services restarted" listed so you probably have this covered, however...
I have my system repository databases running on a seperate server from our Data, if these databases are restarted while Cognos is online I will lose my logs - they simply stop posting to the Database.
I am forced to bring down Cognos completely and restart it. I am on AIX, WebSphere so I actually bring down WebSphere itself, verify all Cognos processes have stopped then I restart, This could be several minutes before things stop completely.
So now here where I work we have a process where if the database goes offline even for a simply restart Cognos is stopped first - then the Database team does their thing - then after DB2 is back up I bring Cognos back online - this prevents any gaps in my logs.
I have tried using the Dispatcher controls in the Web Admin panel but that doesn't fix the Audit logging - I have to physically bring things down and back up to post to the Audit tables again.
Did you manage to resolve the issue ?
Quote from: MMcBride on 23 Jun 2014 05:11:55 PM
You have "services restarted" listed so you probably have this covered, however...
I have my system repository databases running on a seperate server from our Data, if these databases are restarted while Cognos is online I will lose my logs - they simply stop posting to the Database.
I am forced to bring down Cognos completely and restart it. I am on AIX, WebSphere so I actually bring down WebSphere itself, verify all Cognos processes have stopped then I restart, This could be several minutes before things stop completely.
So now here where I work we have a process where if the database goes offline even for a simply restart Cognos is stopped first - then the Database team does their thing - then after DB2 is back up I bring Cognos back online - this prevents any gaps in my logs.
I have tried using the Dispatcher controls in the Web Admin panel but that doesn't fix the Audit logging - I have to physically bring things down and back up to post to the Audit tables again.
Interesting. We have the same setup and follow the same procedures. Works well for us and it appears we got there through similar reasoning.
Check that the Service Account is still working for accessing the database, we had a similar issue where someone had set an expire notice on the DBA Service Account for Auditing.