I got stuck in some situtation,
I have 3 data source all are txt files.
All have a common column called Part. which have made unique.
I want to build cube:-
I have Dimenison
Levels Part_Status
Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Part
Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, Part_Desc
When i build a cube
I can see Part_status--->Part--->Part_desc in cateogories but i cannot see this in Cube.In cube. i can just see Part_Status-->part-->
Pls let me know How to proceed with this.I am struglling for that.
Your 'Part' to 'Part Desc' will be 1 to 1..and why do you need to put 'Part Desc' as a level below 'Part'? If you want to see the 'Part Description' instead of the 'Part No" in the cube, you should use 'Part Desc' as the display for level 'Part'. It's in the properties of the level. That way you can take out the 'Part Desc' level from your model.
Hi cognostechie
Thanks for ur time.Yes u are right these are one to one .As u said i did not find any dispaly in level properties.There is Description.I think u mean to say the same.
But when i do accordingly i cannot see desc in report in reports.
user wants to see Part_status-->part and then Part_desc.
But if i arrange in Part_status-->Part_desc-->Part it works fine.But my user doesnot want this.
Any secondly there is no measure for that particular data source from where i am trying to drag .Other two data source has measures.
pls let me know
Pls let me know
:'( sys2674
You are welcome sys2674.
I think it is the 'Label', not the 'Description' in the properties of the level where you should select Part Desc but anyway, that doesn't seem to be the objective of your users.
I don't know how your diff. data sources are.
Knowing from my past experience, I think your user would be happy to see Part No and the Description both at the same time.
Part No - Description. So if the Part No is 123456 and the description is "Notebook Computer" then in the cube , you show Part Status at the higher level and when they drill down they see:
123456 - Notebook Computer.
If that is OK, then you can create a manual column in your data source (the one that has both the Part No and the Description). Click on that data source name to highlight it, then right click to 'Insert Column' and create a calculated column with Part No + " - " + Description.
Then in the dimension, use Part Status as 1st level and this calculated col as the 2nd level.
This has been resolved (see answer in PowerPlay thread).
Decapitalized topic..... Urgent was enough..