Recently we copied the production oracle db cognos to the test server.
everything works smoothly expect for the eventmanagementservice it does not start in the initial startup off cognos
and when i try to start it manualy from the dispatcher i get the error down below.
DPR-ERR-2099 Starting the service failed: CNC-SDS-0399 An error occurred while starting the JMS service..
any clue as in whats going wrong here?
Hi there
Can you step out what you did exactly as I suspect that you need to regenerate the crypto keys but need to understand the exact steps taken before the error.
We also need the
* operating system on which Cognos has been installed
* Cognos version
* Oracle version
* Oracle platform installed on. E.g. Wintel, AIX, Linux
* Explanation of how you copied the database?
Did you try creating a new schema, then allowing Cognos to generate the tables. Export from old Cognos content and import into new?