Has anyone one come across the following issue,
we have taken dynamic cube model that was created in 10.2 and moved it to a 10.2.1 FP2 environment, the cube works fine in the old environment, however in the new environment when I try and start the cube it fails with the following error.
Cube start failed
XQE-ROL-0016 More than one member was found in [Portfolio].[Portfolio].[Portfolio Legal Entity] with member key values [4]. Member [4] could already have a parent of [], or there might be duplicate member keys. Duplicate member key values for different level keys may occur if an insufficient number of level key columns are defined in each level during modeling. This requires a fix to the model.
I have googled this message with no luck and I can't see any isues with the model and I can't explain why it works with 10.2 and not with 10.2.1 fp2
thanks in advanced
Did you get anywhere with this one? It's implying the unique identifier is suddenly not unique in a level somewhere. Is there a chance the data has changed, and it's not an FP2 issue?
Quote from: crogers9 on 28 May 2014 07:56:01 AM
Has anyone one come across the following issue,
we have taken dynamic cube model that was created in 10.2 and moved it to a 10.2.1 FP2 environment, the cube works fine in the old environment, however in the new environment when I try and start the cube it fails with the following error.
Cube start failed
XQE-ROL-0016 More than one member was found in [Portfolio].[Portfolio].[Portfolio Legal Entity] with member key values [4]. Member [4] could already have a parent of [], or there might be duplicate member keys. Duplicate member key values for different level keys may occur if an insufficient number of level key columns are defined in each level during modeling. This requires a fix to the model.
I have googled this message with no luck and I can't see any isues with the model and I can't explain why it works with 10.2 and not with 10.2.1 fp2
thanks in advanced
From what I can gather, the 10.2 release of Cube designer was a little, um, loose in enforcing certain OLAP restrictions. One such restriction is (or should be) that member IDs should be unique. For whatever reason, Cube Designer in 10.2 seemed to somehow overlook this. I imagine the end result was cubes that wouldn't display appropriate results where these IDs were used in reports, but it let them by.
In 10.2.1 this was tightened up and I am pretty certain the message you are seeing is an indication of this. You have a design issue in your Legal Entity data - multiple members with the same ID. You need to check what item or items are being used as the ID and revise as necessary to make the IDs unique.
Right now we are going for a POC with Dynamic Cube Designer.
We have a Powerplay Cube and I build a DMR model inside Framework Manager with exact the same data source / model.
I have build a Dynamic Cube with the same items like I have inside transformer / Framework DMR.
But I am getting the same XQE-ROL-0016 error.
Right now I have Cognos BI 10.2.1 FP5 installed (32bits).
What should I do to solve this error?
And why don't I have any trouble with a Transformer Model / Framework Manager DMR model?
Kind Regards,
Each key in a level needs to be unique. If you look at the retailers dimension in the sample model you will see that the level unique key for the retailer name level is retailer key and country key, which is coming from the retailer country level. This is because at least one retailer (falcon outfitters ) is located in more than one country. The retailer key is not unique for that level as defined. If the retailer country level wasn't in the hierarchy then there would not be a duplication of the member.
So you will need to include level keys from higher levels of the hierarchy sufficient to uniquely identify the members in the level. Depending on the key values and your hierarchy, including the level key from the immediate parent level should uniqueify the level. Since each dimension's member tree is created at cube start up, you'll find out soon enough. An alternative would be to create a key which would be unique but that's a hassle. The extra key value takes up a bit more memory if I understand correctly. I don't know the
Keep in mind that a level key could be unique for that level in one hierarchy but not in another hierarchy. For example, if retailer country did not exist, then retailer key in the retailer name level would be unique. If you are designing a dimension with multiple hierarchies and non-unique level keys you need to take into account this.
Actually, if you look carefully there's something similar in concept (although not implementation) in FM. Each level has a unique level checkbox. Its default state is off, which says to the query engine that the keys of the higher levels in that hierarchy are necessary to uniquely identify members in a level. This is why you have not seen the problem in your dmr model in fm.
I've never tried fiddling about with the FM setting to declare a non-unique level as unique so I don't know how strictly it is enforced when it comes time for the queries to be executed.