Quote from: newb2cog on 23 May 2014 10:10:37 AM
Also, how do u enable that auto(kinetic) scrolling in iPad ?
I always have to scroll manually to get down the list.
Also, is there a way we can directly go to the top of the list in iPad from the bottom ?
I am just asking more Qs in this section :(
The best practice approach to authoring Active Reports on a mobile device is to try to prevent scrolling. It can get very confusing for users to have to use two fingers to scroll and one finger to operate controls such as iterators and sliders. I would not advocate building a report that involves scrolling content for this reason.
Auto scrolling is not an option, as far as I am aware.
There are no inbuilt controls to facilitate scrolling directly to the top or bottom of a list.
My advice is to find an alternate method of presenting the information in a non-scrolling form, such as a crosstab or splitting it across cards of a data deck (or filtering the list with a control).
Just my two pence :)