I have created an application in contributor and would like to change the name of it so when seen via the web it’s different. I don’t want to re-create the application again. Is it possible to change the name in the SQL database of the field "APP_DISPLAY_NAME" or will this mess up with things in contributor?
Thank for the help
You can change the name of the hyperlink on the web to whatever you want. Did I understand the question correctly?
Hi, yes i want to change the name of the application as seen on the web as the hyperlink AFTER i have already created it (due to a spelling mistake or name of department). I saw in the SQL database with the field "APP_DISPLAY_NAME" and wondered if i change it there it will change the hyperlink and NOT mess up anything.
Do you want to change the URL to your Contributor application?
Or the way that the link to the application is displayed in Cognos8?
I'm sorry if I'm not explaining myself properly, I'm new to cognos.
I would like to change the name how it appears on the web as the hyperlink (at the welcome page on the web), i don't want to link it to another application.
I have created access tables and admin links and so on so do not want to remove the application and recreate it to give it another display name.
Does this make it clearer?
To change the application display name your best option is to remove it from the PAD and then add it back in where you then have the option to change the display name.
Alternatively at db level you could edit it in the APP_DISPLAY_NAME value in the ADMINOPTION table to what you want to call it , but this is not supported by cognos and I'd advise you not to try it unless you are comfortable you can correct it again if it goes bad.
if I remove it in Contributor Admin (right click "remove application") then "Link to existing Application", will all Access Tables, Orientation, Navigation, Analyst 2 Contributor link and Admin links still be OK? or will I need to recreate all of these??
Dont worry. Contributor will keep all those settings - I've done it many times.
The only way you can really break it is if you change the appID which is not possible unless you hack it at db level.
Oh great. thanks for that. ;D
This is kind of a similar topic...
we have a development server and a production server. When we bring our models into production we have to recreate all of our access tables, saved selections, etc. Is there an easier way of bringing over our models?
You can export the application XML in your development environment (from withing contributor). After creating the new application from Analyst in production, use the contributor macro "Upload Development Model" chosing the XML you exported from Dev.
Thanks! I'll give it a try.
Yeah, moving the app xml is probably the best bet.
I normally do that, or if the changes only involve analyst changes I just copy the analyst library accross to the prod server and sync from there.
If you are not worried about data you could just move the database/oracle schema related to the application accross and then reattach in the CAC however this is rarely the case as most people prefer to keep their data for obvious reasons.
Go for the XML route or the analyst sync route.
you can also migrate the full databases, that is the easiest thing to do if you are looking to promote applications.
I thought that I read somewhere that if you migrate the applications it doesn't save the accesstables/saved selections. How do you migrate the databases?
It will keep your access tables.
Your best way to migrate an application is via the Adminconsole using the import application wizard
Alternatively you can copy at db level by backing up/exporting the db in your source system and then restoring it in the target system. Then all you need to do is attach it to your target PAD in contributor
Be very careful if you are moving schema's on Oracle though as if you import to a different schema name in the target you will invalidate a few triggers and sequences needed by CEP. YOu can fix them but it requires a bit of PL/SQL knowledge.