We did a new install of Framework Mgr 10.2.1 but getting error when trying to save configuration in Cognos Config.
Cognos lives on a Linux server. FWM is on Windows pc. We have a production version (same 10.2.1 version) of this working on a different pc.
My goal is to install FWM on a 2nd pc and point it at our Cognos Test instance for testing/upgrade purposes. However, for now, I would be happy to simply replicate the connection to the Production instance of Cognos in order to understand why this error occurs and how to fix it.
I have done the following:
1) Ensured that I am Administrator of pc #2.
2) Installed FWM 10.2.1. Intalled Fix Pack 2.
3) Changed the URIs in Cognos Config to reflect the appropriate server. Tried to save. Got error.
4) Included all "supported cyphersuites" in the Cognos Config. Tried to save. Still error.
5) Removed the 3 folders - csk (actually it did not create one), signkeypair, encryptkeypair. Save. Error.
6) Removed the cogstartup.xml file. Save. Error.
7) Copied the 3 files (csk, signkeypair, encryptkeypair) from the Cognos Server to the FWM pc so they would match. Save. Error.
8) Uninstalled and reinstalled FWM 10.2.1 and Fix Pack 2.
9) Followed instructions provided in CAM_CRP_1259. Still get error.
10) I've read every related post/google search result that I can find and followed suggestions but still no luck.
Any other suggestions? :-\
Looks like you have already covered most of the bases. The one thing you didn't post up, though, was the error itself :)
Although saving the config results in an error, do you get the option to save the keys in plain text? Have you tried FM to see if it can communicate with your BI server?
Two questions:
- Did you right-click, Run as Administrator on the install .exes and on Cognos Configuration. Depending on your settings for UAC in Windows, being local administrator is often not enough for a successful install
- Skip step #7 - I've never done this for any client install - if csk/encrypt/decrypt don't generate from Cog Configuration, no point in going further. You have an issue right there
Thank you for the input. ;D
We finally found the solution. Here's what we did:
1) change the passwords for signing key store, encryption key store, and certificate Authority password on the Cognos Server (under Cryptography>Cognos)
2) Rename the csk, encryptkeypair, and signkeypair folders in the configuration folder on the pc housing Framework Manager
3) Repeat step #1 in Cognos Configuration on the pc housing Framework Manager (use Run as Administrator option when opening Cognos Configuration)
4) In our situation, we added a new instance so we had to add that connection to our tnsnames file on the pc that is referenced by teh TNS_ADMIN environment variable