I am relatively new to Cognos 10.2.1 and having trouble understanding an issue with Categories.
When I rerun the Cube build manually from Transformer (after building initially), the process knows how many Categories there are and does not rebuild them only add too resulting in a fast build (under 1 hour).
When the same Cube build runs as part of the overnight process in batch (after building initially), the Transformer Log seems to be reading the source and creating all the Categories again resulting in a 6 hour build.
Not sure if something in the batch process is forcing this to happen.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Once the cube gets built by Transformer (not by batch process), you can save the model after that. The model will save the categories. Then the batch file can build the cube without generating the categories again. There are command line options to tell the batch file not
to re-generate the categories. I don't have the user guide available at the moment so can't say which option is that but the user guide has it so you might want to check .