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Planning & Consolidation => TM1 => Topic started by: AmeyJoshi on 13 May 2014 03:39:45 PM

Title: Exporting '.cma' file using mdx query
Post by: AmeyJoshi on 13 May 2014 03:39:45 PM
One of our TM1 architecture tool users creates '.cma'/'.csv'(data dump) file by clicking on export dimension. Now we have to get same data by running mdx query in TM1 through ETL Tool - DataStage. Can we do this using MDX query? :-\
A cma file contains the complete dimension structure of leaf members into nodes/hierarchies. That is it encodes the parent-child relationships (including hierarchy weighting). Can we get the same results through TM1 query?

For eg:- Branch Dimension
Will the query be ... select {[TIME].members} on columns,{[Branch].members} on rows from mycube...?

Appreciate all help!!

Thanks in Advance,