We have done some programming to process the FM XML in order to produce technical documentation, but with limited succes.
The basic need is to be able to re-map the objects in the business views to the physical database objects (and incorporate such things as custom calculations)
There is very little to find on this subject. Has anybody been succesful in doing this? Or know any third-party tooling to accomplish this?
Take a look at MetaManager. http://www.bspsoftware.com/products/. It is a Powered by Cognos solution. http://www.cognos.com/news/releases/2007/0517-1.html.
It does this and a bunch of other things. If you'd like, I can generate a sample FM document for you to show you the results. Let me know if you want it in HTML, PDF, Excel or Text format. I'll need the four main files (customdata.xml, xxx.cpf, model.xml, preferences.xml).
Andy Rachmiel
I'm interested in the sample and would prefer it to be in pdf format.
Sounds very interesting
I suppose you could offer your own FM files for a sample.
Hi all. I have created a simple FM Model in C8.2 and attached the sample PDF output and the model for an example. Note that the PDF is indexed and searchable.