I have cognos 10.2.1 installed on one of my virtual machines on Windows 2008 server.
In Cognos Configuration > Local Configuration > Data Access > Notification I have tried with following values:
SMTP mail server: Tried smtp.gmail.com:587 and smtp.mail.yahoo.com:465
Account and password: Tried my personal and working gmail and yahoo credentials.
Default sender: Tried my personal and working gmail and yahoo credentials.
Everytime, the Test fails. It says:
[Validate mail server properties.]
[ ERROR ] The mail server cannot be reached.
My firewall is OK. The outbound traffic is enabled. Still I am not able to get it to work.
I have seen this link http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cfpm/v10r1m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.swg.im.cognos.inst_cr_winux.10.1.0.doc%2Finst_cr_winux_id7744Specifymailandnotification-single.html
Any advice/suggestion will be highly appreciated.
Best Regards
have you configured the SMTP mail server on windows server 2008 ?