Hi All ,
I am creating an active report . I am facing issues while filtering the report.
I have a List which has YEAR, New Files Count and Pending Files count . This list is working fine with this 3 columns .
Now , i want to filter this List Query on Operating Unit . The Operating Unit is pulled in the List query but its not pulled on the Report page in the List .But I am only able to filter on the Operating Unit Column when i pull it on the List too on the Report page in Active Report .
The users dont want to see the operating unit on the list , i have the option of hiding the Operating unit on the list , but then List still breaks the data based on the operating unit since it exists on the report.
For Example
If there are 2 years ( 2013 and 2014 ) then i shud see only 2 records for each year in the list and their measure values.
But since the operating unit also exists on the list i see multiple year records for each operating unit and the measure values .
Operating_Unit Year New_Files_Count Pending_Files_Count
Casualty 2013 10 12
Specialty 2013 15 9
Excess 2014 10 18
I just need one row per year , but since i need to filter on Operating Unit , i need to pull that column too in the Report since Active report does not allow filtering on Column which does not exist on Report .
Any way I can filter on Operating Unit without pulling it on the Report page ?
Quote from: sumesh2429 on 30 Apr 2014 08:48:07 AM
Hi All ,
I am creating an active report . I am facing issues while filtering the report.
I have a List which has YEAR, New Files Count and Pending Files count . This list is working fine with this 3 columns .
Now , i want to filter this List Query on Operating Unit . The Operating Unit is pulled in the List query but its not pulled on the Report page in the List .But I am only able to filter on the Operating Unit Column when i pull it on the List too on the Report page in Active Report .
The users dont want to see the operating unit on the list , i have the option of hiding the Operating unit on the list , but then List still breaks the data based on the operating unit since it exists on the report.
For Example
If there are 2 years ( 2013 and 2014 ) then i shud see only 2 records for each year in the list and their measure values.
But since the operating unit also exists on the list i see multiple year records for each operating unit and the measure values .
Operating_Unit Year New_Files_Count Pending_Files_Count
Casualty 2013 10 12
Specialty 2013 15 9
Excess 2014 10 18
I just need one row per year , but since i need to filter on Operating Unit , i need to pull that column too in the Report since Active report does not allow filtering on Column which does not exist on Report .
Any way I can filter on Operating Unit without pulling it on the Report page ?
The technique is, as you already stated, to include Operating Unit in the list and use the Column Visibility property of the Operating Unit list column to suppress it displaying when the report runs. When you run the report with an Operating Unit selected, it filters the list and you see only the data for the years belonging to that Operating Unit. You just need to have a control to set the Operating Unit variable and link it to the List using the Filter action.
MF ,
What is you said is right but the problem here is since the Operating Unit column is hidden , the user wont understand why a year like "2013" would show 2 times if the user selects "All" option in the operating unit instead of specific Operating units.
Quote from: sumesh2429 on 01 May 2014 08:56:56 AM
MF ,
What is you said is right but the problem here is since the Operating Unit column is hidden , the user wont understand why a year like "2013" would show 2 times if the user selects "All" option in the operating unit instead of specific Operating units.
Ha! Yes - if you're going to allow all OUs to be selected you will see repetitions. The workaround is to use a deck containing two cards - one with your list as it stands and the other with another version of the list that has no filter and no OU column. When the user selects "All" then activate the other card. :)
Quote from: MFGF on 01 May 2014 11:11:45 AM
Ha! Yes - if you're going to allow all OUs to be selected you will see repetitions. The workaround is to use a deck containing two cards - one with your list as it stands and the other with another version of the list that has no filter and no OU column. When the user selects "All" then activate the other card. :)
Thanks, I think that approach is worth considering :) Thanks for your inputs !!!
What if we have multiple dropdowns, and want to filter list without showing them in list? like we have Brand, Policy type, Team etc filter, we dont want to show them in list and want to filter based on value selected, we have all option as well