We have 10.2.1 and I think the patch is applied though the version says 10.2.1, not
Some users cannot open saved PDF output, they can run the report and get it in PDF but the problem is only when
they try to open a saved PDF output. if I run the report in EXCEL format and save the report, they can open it.
I can open all saved PDF outputs but I am in the System Admin group.
Any help will be appreciated.
Forgot to mention that when the users click on the report , it just opens up another window taking them to the Public Folders (instead of extracting the saved PDF). I am wondering if it is throwing some error which is not visible.
I've not seen that myself. But since you can open everything as admin, it would seem to me to be a permissions issue. I would have a look in the Cognos server logs, might be something relevant there.
The other thing you might check is what they have under Preferences on the Personal tab for Capabilities. Compare it to yours and see what is missing.
In the preferences on the Personal Tab, the report format is HTML but that is how it is for everybody. Strange thing is they can open it in DEV environment and the user group is the same and the permissions are Read, Execute and Traverse (permission for the group).
I was not meaning the report format. On the personal tab, scroll down and you will see a section listing groups and roles, and another listing capabilities. These are based on the logged-in user. This is what I was suggesting you might compare between the different logins.
Just check with those users if they are using adobe acrobat or adobe reader.
I think adobe acrobat is not supported for cognos.
Thanks bdbits and sunosoft. For the time being, I used the burst option so that the output would go to their e-mails
and then this case was transferred to a consultant on the team. He did say that there was something missing in
the capabilities and is now resolved.