I've been racking my brain to try to figure this one out, I appreciate any help you can give.
The issue is that when I output my report to Excel 2002 or below, some column data is not rendered properly. Whenever two adjacent columns are NULL, the next column with data overwrites one of the NULL cells. For example, in a row in the correct report, cell A1 has data, A2 and A3 does not, and A4 has data. Now, when it renders improperly into Excel, A3 contains the data that should be in A4.
When I export the report to Excel 2007, it looks fine. However, the way rows are merged in Excel 2007 is another issue. So, I need to produce the report in Excel 2002 or below format.
I've been tinkering with casting null data into a single-space string instead, but having lots of trouble with that. I've found writing expressions in Report Studio to be very tedious... :(
If you know how to address either the rendering problem, or how to properly cast various data types into single-space strings, I would greatly appreciate the help.
I've figured this one out...phew! ;D
Some of my columns were not properly resolving to null when no data was available for that cell. So, I had use conditions to make sure of this. Also, I had conditional styles in place to hide the data if the cell was empty. However, it was hiding the entire cell! So, I also had to remove all of the conditional styles.
All my own mistakes, but it's resolved. I hope this is helpful to someone else.