Hello All, my client's email domain name has changed and we would like update all the e-mail addresses in the scheduled reports with the new domain names. I have identified NC_MESSAGELINE_ELEMENT table in content store which contains the email ids and ran a script to update the domain name change, however they don't seem to reflect in the Cognos portal. We still have the old e-mail ids. Please let me know if there is a parent table linked to the NC_MESSAGELINE_ELEMENT table or if there are other ideas to do a bulk update of this change. Thank you for your time.
What is your authentication source? If the email address is stored there it should have updated based on that. You may have to renew credentials to force it though.
Hi Grim, thanks for the response. We are using Series 7 authentication. Our Cognos BI version is 8.1.2. E-mail addresses are not stored in our authentication server. Please let me know of any other ideas. Thank you
Series 7, then that would mean that each user's profile will have their address added manually under the My Preferences>Personal tab...yes?
You may have to ping IBM Cognos Support and have them collaborate with the SDK support team to see if you can program a solution using the SDK since you want this to be a global change.
I tried to find something already out there and this is the closest thing I could find. You might be able to use this code as a base to do the above.
Hope that helps.