Hi All,
In our environment Cognos is distributed installation. Application, CM and Gateway is installed in 3 different Linux servers.
After a restart on the servers, while starting Dispatcher (Application server) services we are getting the below error. Please help us out if you guys come across this kind of error.
# ./cogconfig.sh -s
Using /root/jre1.6.0_12/bin/java
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (Trace.CAM.JCAM).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
15/04/2014,13:37:55,Err,Problems were encountered during validation.A minimum number of resources (1) are required for the type 'Database' located in the component 'Notification'.
Have I understood correct, that the Content Manager and Dispatcher are installed on the same server?
Try to start the Content Manager only, does that work?
Then you can try to start the Disp.
Yeah. Can you please just check if your content manager server is started first and then you are trying for dispatcher.