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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Upgrading to Cognos 10 => Topic started by: rspahwa on 04 Apr 2014 02:24:00 PM

Title: Upgrading from 8.4 to 10.2.1: What files to backup
Post by: rspahwa on 04 Apr 2014 02:24:00 PM
Hi Cognos Folks,

We are upgrading from 8.4 to 10.2.1 in few months.
The concern is which all system and configuration files to restore from C8.4 to implement the same in C10.2.1

Can anyone provide some insights.

Title: Re: Upgrading from 8.4 to 10.2.1: What files to backup
Post by: AussiePete2011 on 27 Oct 2014 05:37:08 PM
Hi there

There are massive changes in 10.2 that will not allow you to move any files over.  I'd recommend only exporting the cogstartup.xml for the configuration.
Export the entire content store and test in a parallel installation.  Treat this as a completely new product.
Even the style sheets are different.

Title: Re: Upgrading from 8.4 to 10.2.1: What files to backup
Post by: Grim on 28 Oct 2014 06:33:20 AM
There is no "Upgrade path" in that you can't install any version of 10.x on top of 8.4.1. You have to do a brand new install with 10. That said what I would recommend is this...

1. Make a copy of your 8.4.1 Content Store DB, leaving the original in place.
2. Install 10.2.1 to a separate and different directory on the same machine.
3. Configure 10.2.1 to run on different ports (Dispatcher, Shutdown, logging ports) and point it to the Content Store copy from step 1. DON'T START YET!
4. Copy any changes to configuration files (System.xml, ansproperties.xml...etc) that you are aware of (They should be documented in your Cognos install/config doc that you or your predecessor created *winkwinknudgenudge*) from the 8.4.1 install over to the 10.2.1 install by first doing a bit of research to ensure those changes are still viable.
5.  Start the services and let 10.2.1 upgrade the DB (do the reports later, not during the config/startup phase).

Once that is done you can run both installs in parallel and let your users slowly test between the both versions. Your users will most likely notice things that are different and that might require the said changes from step 4 if they are missing.

Side note: When upgrading the reports there are going to be a few reports that will not work. Make sure your users are aware of this. They will most likely need to recreate the reports from scratch in 10.2.1. Usually these types of reports contain javascript or other tweaks. That said it should be minimal. If all your reports are failing then that's one for IBM Cognos support to step in and help.

Hope that helps.