Hi All,
I have an active report using list summary report drilling down to the detail level using the singleton on individual column.
M question is when i click on a measure to drill down to its detail for the first column it works, but when i come back to the summary list report to select a measure for any other column, it doesn't do anything.
I found that on PC you can right click on the detail list report to"Reset variable" which brings you back to the summary list report and allows you to then select any other measure to drill down to. However, I'm trying to run this report on iPad, which doesn't allow you to right click or even press down to open "Reset Variable" options. Is there any way i can add a Reset variable button on the report so the user can click on it or if this can be automated in report properties.
Yes - just add a "Button" from the toolbox, and go to the Set Variable Values property. Alongside your chosen variable in the dialog, pick the "Set to Empty" option.
I have the same issue on my report but on my side "Set to Empty" is not the same than reset variable.
How it is possible to reset variable with one button in the report ?
Thanks in advance.
Quote from: Y.CROZET on 18 Jun 2015 04:52:21 AM
I have the same issue on my report but on my side "Set to Empty" is not the same than reset variable.
If you want the variable to be unset, then use the "Set to Empty" option. If you want the variable to be set to a specific value, then use the "Type in a value" option and specify what you want it to be set to.
"Set to empty" is usually what people mean when they refer to resetting a variable :)
"Set to empty" is to set the empty value.
"Type in a value" is for an unique value.
By default, I have 6 values in this variable so I can't use this option.
Quote from: Y.CROZET on 18 Jun 2015 07:19:10 AM
"Set to empty" is to set the empty value.
"Type in a value" is for an unique value.
By default, I have 6 values in this variable so I can't use this option.
What is it you want to do, exactly? Can you explain?
In my active report, I has two cards (each card have one data view). User can selected one card thanks to navigation button.
In the first view, user can selected the value for the Entity thanks to a crosstab. This value is used to filter the main crosstab.
By default, this variable has six values.
User wants have the default value for this variable when he navigated from the second cards to the first card.
So I use the interactive behavior to set the variable values when user selected the button to show the first view.
My issue is to set all values in this variable.
I see two possibilies, I can set multi value on this variable or I reset all variable values ... but without success
Thanks for your help
Quote from: Y.CROZET on 18 Jun 2015 07:43:16 AM
In my active report, I has two cards (each card have one data view). User can selected one card thanks to navigation button.
In the first view, user can selected the value for the Entity thanks to a crosstab. This value is used to filter the main crosstab.
By default, this variable has six values.
User wants have the default value for this variable when he navigated from the second cards to the first card.
So I use the interactive behavior to set the variable values when user selected the button to show the first view.
My issue is to set all values in this variable.
I see two possibilies, I can set multi value on this variable or I reset all variable values ... but without success
Thanks for your help
Oh - I see. You want to set a variable to multiple values simultaneously (like when you specify multiple values as the default)? I don't know of a way you can do this, sorry.